
Text Mining of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam using R

Introduction Khayyam was an Iranian astronomer, mathematician,philosopher and a poet , which is commonly known for his quatrains (short poems). He was almost unknown to whole world, till 19th century, but thanks to EdwardFitzGerald, his poems were translated to English and published entitled Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Although, his achievements in astronomy and mathematics such as solar calender and cubic equation are admirable, nonetheless, world realized who he really is, because of the hidden amazing philosophy in his poems.

Scientometrics Analysis of RStudio applications in PubMed Database

Introduction Evaluation and interpretation of scientific productions can be so helpful in determination of prominent authors, active departments and hot topics in a specific field. This process is called scientometrics and bibliometrix. Scientometrics refers to “all quantitative aspects science and scientific research” (Sengupta 1992). On the other hand, Bibliometrics refers to “the application of mathematics and statistical methods to books and other forms of written communication” (Pritchard 1969). Visualization and Statistical methods of these published documents can be analyzed using R bibliometrix package.