Hi guys. Nice to meet you.

My name is Reza Ali Akbari Khoei (Reza A.A. Khoei). You can abbreviately call me Reza Khoei. I have PhD in Biostatistics. My Master’s thesis was entitled Application of Cure Models in thalassemia major disease. I fitted different Cure Survival models on thalassemia major disease and tried to find some appropriate models to fit on these dataset. My dissertation was entitled Bayesian Approach in Zero-inflated Double Poisson Models and its Application in Medical Data. Using Bayesian approach, I extended hurdle and zero-inflated double poisson models to multilevel approach and used it for analysis of neonate data and evaluation of related risk factors on congenital anomalies of newborns.

I had no idea about creating websites till I found out that it is possible using R. This fact made me motivated to create my own blog and got started blogging about what I’ve learned and what I think can be useful for the others.

This blog is built using Yihui Xie’s amazing blogdown package in R & RStudio for all R lovers. Besides, it is generated and deployed using Hugo and Netlify


Reza Khoei

Biostatistician, data student